At Camp Rappahannock, we take every precaution to ensure everyone’s safety. We thrive in the fresh air, with nutritious food and a well-rounded activity and recreation program.
At Camp Rappahannock, we respect others and ourselves and learn to value the world that we live in.
At Camp Rappahannock, we introduce the Lord into the daily lives of the children. It is our hope that everyone develops a deeper relationship with the Lord.
Replacing a world of boredom with outdoor experiences creates opportunities for growth in each camper. This is what Camp Rappahannock is all about. The purpose of The Salvation Army’s camping ministry is to help each individual, young and old alike, to grow – physically, socially, educationally, and spiritually. Kids of all ages from the inner cities to the Blue Ridge Mountains, to the Coastal regions learn about each other, nature, and most importantly, a loving, personal God.